1. It's really hard to see successful a chick on television that has accumulated wealth on her own.
2. Especially today when all you see is extremely superficial reality television.
I wanted to stand up and give them the **HELL YEAHs**!
Successful Business Woman #1
Plus +1 for Vicki!
Successful Business Woman #2
Plus +1 for Patti!
Money Ain't A Thang
After goggling and admiring their self-made wealth and fame I started to realize something. Not only are Vicki and Patti seen as controlling and wound up like a screw-driver (which could put a slight damper on personal relationships); they also appear so consumed in their business and sucess that they don't have time for all the REAL things that matter: ie. relationships, LIFE, family and time to one's self. Even Patti claims on her show that her business is a 24/7 job.
Ok, maybe now they have time to do all of that stuff. But I'm sure that in the process of gaining all of that success alot of sacrifices had to be made and many moments were missed out on.
I, myself, would love to be successful. However, I will not do it at the expense of well, for one thing, my sanity, well-being, or time spent with those I care about. We're losing cherished moments in the process of trying to reach this illusionary purpose. An illusion that selfworth is based on obtaining superficial tangibles.
What do you think?